Businesses and membership-based organizations trust us to provide engaging, relevant presentations to further their goals and support their people.

The following are employers who have participated in Pride Talks, many every years since the program was founded in 2022!

Each presentation aims to equip attendees with information and approaches in support of their knowledge of and allyship for Queer colleagues.

  • Provide practical approaches for individuals to demonstrate allyship for their Queer colleagues.

  • Motivate participants to contribute to a more inclusive, equitable workplace and industry for all.

  • Increase knowledge of DEI terms and concepts that and inform one’s daily work and leadership.

  • Increase awareness of how Queer colleagues experience workplace culture and leadership.

  • Highlight Queer leaders and their valuable contributions to advancing workplace culture, industry, and knowledge.

Engage employees in learning that supports how they can understand how to support inclusion for Queer colleagues, clients, and those with whom they engage.

Employee Engagement

We are a Queer-owned business and all speakers are paid fairly for their expertise.

Support Queer Business

Pride Talks speakers are Queer leaders who reflect different LGTBQ+ communities. They are experts and change-makers in their respective fields.

LGTBQ+ Representation

Employer Recognition

Participating employers are recognized on social media and Pride Talks promotional materials and at the industry keynote.

Community Contribution

A portion of revenue is allocated to support diversity-serving organizations in the industry, and academic scholarship for Queer students.

A Trusted Provider

We are trusted to develop and deliver engaging, informative, and helpful presentations for employers and industry-serving groups.

Plan ahead for Pride Season.